Addison Ziegler-Donnelly

Gryffindor First Year Student

Hi i'm Addison Ziegler-Donnelly and i'm a Gryffindor First Year while my older brother and sister are Gryffindor Second Years. I hope to make friends.

  • Joined September 2018
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


All about me:
Name: Addison Emilia Ziegler-Donnelly
Age: 11 (Can change in rps)
House: Gryffindor
Personality: Kind, Caring, Crazy, Shy
Likes: Lollies, Quidditch, Reading, Drawing
Dislikes: Rude People, Siblings (Love them when they're not mean and annoying)
-Mum: Bella Ziegler
-Dad: Zed Donnelly
-Older Brother: Harrison Ziegler-Donnelly
-Older Sister: Ashleigh Ziegler-Donnelly
-Younger Brother: Rhett Ziegler-Donnelly
-Younger Sister: Roseabelle Ziegler-Donnelly
-Baby: Daisy Ziegler-Donnelly
Nicknmes: Addi, A, Zig, Nelly

(Younger Addison) When i received my Hogwarts letter i was confused because i thought it was a prank from my older brother and sister. So i didn't think much of it at first and then i opened it and i realised it wasn't a prank it was real, i was so shocked that i fainted. Anyway i hope to make friends and have good time at Hogwarts and i know i will since my older brother and sister are here and my two younger brother and sister are only two years away from coming to Hogwarts. My youngest brother is a baby and my mums about to have another one what a big family i have.

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