
First-Year Student

  • Joined October 2018
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


First-year, here! The surname's Potter - no, not that Potter. My great-great grandmother is Beatrix Potter, famed author, conservationist, and Hogwarts-learned witch. She took in my great grandfather Peter, orphaned after a dragon pox outbreak, in 1888. Three generations later, my family still lives in Hawkshead. I come from a family of wizards, so I had been waiting for years to see Sharktooth, the family owl, fly through the owl door carrying my very own Hogwarts letter. The day finally arrived, and I can't wait to get started. My sister, Mel for short, talks nonstop about DADA, but I'm most excited for arithmancy.
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