Okami Law


  • Joined October 2018
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I'd only just transferred to the states when I received my letter. Their ain't never been a magi born in the family before, so we were thrown for a loop there. I thought it was a prank from my rascal sister, so we just decided to ignore it. Didn't seem to be to smart a choice when a Mr. Hagrid came a knocking, nearly busted our door right off the damn hinges he did. My ma got to it quick enough, and the sight of her pressin' a buck shot under his chin will be my best memory for years. After he got mama to put the gun down he explained everything, he even humored all my questions about all the precious lil beasties of our world. I make sure to join him for rock cakes and tea as often as possible, and he even gave me permission to wonder the woods, so longs I'm not caught or nothing. I'm not entirely sure why people don't like his cakes they're the perfect amount of crunchy goodness. Hagrid gave me some of his clothes that he wore when he was young, and I drew him some portraits 'o the creatures we been nurturing. He don't much mind the fact that I ain't just a girl or boy, real supportive actually. I really hope I can become his apprentice.

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