~ 11/16/18 <3 I cannot stop loving you
- Joined November 2018
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 48 House Points
- 1st Year
Korea, Republic Of
Name: Gray Suchet
Age: 13 - 15 years old
Height: 5’ 10”
Sexuality: Pansexual, gender fluid
Status: Taken by Kai Flamia
Pronouns: They/Them
Gender: Agender
Patronus: Ferret
(Unregistered) Animagi: Threstral, Arctic Fox
Species: Human
Favourite Colour: Black
Favourite Band: Panic! At the Disco
Favourite Food: Cold Pizza. Duh!
Broom: Voltage 4200 X, Custom made
Wand: Hawthorn wood with a dragon heartstring core, 13" and brittle flexibility
Mirror of Erised: Rain
Amortentia Smell: Clean Linen, Honeysuckle and a tint of Lavender
Blood Type: Pureblood but doesn’t really care
Outfit #1
Outfit #2
Outfit #3
Outfit #4
Outfit #5
Outfit #6
(Unregistered) Animagi:
When I was a child I was happy. I had a good family, a pure blood line (which doesn’t really matter to me that much) and I was the only child. My parents loved me so much and loved me dearly. Sadly, this happiness couldn’t last long.
Since I have a photographic memory, I remember precisely how these events played out. My mum was murdered when I was two years old. I remember attending her funeral and my father crying. I couldn’t even look at me. A few days later he dropped me off at an orphanage because he “didn’t love me anymore.”
After three long years there I managed to escape the horrors and abuse I was given because I was different. I lived on the streets till age eleven when I got my hogwarts letter. I have no other family and no where to go so they let me stay at hogwarts and go in the forbidden forest for fun (I like magical creatures.)
Now here I am taking advanced courses in Care of Magical Creatures, Alchemy, Potions, Ancient Runes, and Transfiguration. I’m also attending every wizarding school there is. The traveling is fun I guess (though this is where I get the most sleep because I lose sleep while at school) but the work is so much better! I’m so excited to continue my years here at hogwarts! See you around peeps!
I have ankle deformities so I walk a little funny, I have a photographic memory, possibly pre anorexia, and I’m almost mute from a childhood accident.
Hogwarts - Hufflepuff
Illvermorny - Thunderbird
Mahoutkoro - Kappa
Durmstrang - Lustrum
Uagadou - Kemia Uchawi
Castelbruxo - Qumica Magico
Beauxbatons - Cossu
To be continued...