Squad Squad

"group" of "friends" *winks*

friends without benefits

  • Joined March 2019
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


♚age ➠legal
♚gender ➠male
♚sexuality ➠either or

♚hair ➠black
♚eyes ➠deep
♚height ➠taller

♚attitude ➠chill
♚status ➠chillin' and drivin'
♚friends ➠don't need any
♚likes ➠your older sister
♚dislikes ➠you
♚fc ➠

name ➝ read, dumbass.
age ➝ XIX
gender ➝ female
sexuality ➝ i swing both ways. violently.

hair ➝ black; short
eyes ➝ beautiful
height ➝ tall
personality ➝ can and will cut a bitch

status ➝ i wanna die
nicknames ➝ ro, row, etc.
friends ➝ don't need any
likes ➝ billie eyelash, iced coffee, aesthetic shit
dislikes ➝ bigots, bitches, battlestar galactica
fc ➝

❖Age ➠ 18
❖Name ➠ Why do u care?
❖Nicknames ➠ Ash, Graves, Ashy, lmk if you think of more
❖Gender ➠ XY
❖Sexuality ➠ Gay

❖Status ➠ single DX
❖Hair ➠ darkish brown
❖Attitude ➠ uncompromising dignity
❖ Fc ➠

name ➻ are you illiterate?
nicknames ➻ bambi, amb... give me more if you dare
age ➻ that for me to know and for you to find out.
gender ➻ ?? good question.
sexuality ➻ sapphic

hair ➻ blonde & curly
eyes ➻ blue/green/gray
height ➻ smol (but secretly a baddie)

personality ➻ i like horses a little too much
status ➻ just stole ur girlfriend
likes ➻ horses, horses, drinking my troubles away, horses, poetry, tattoos, long walks, and did i mention horses?
dislikes ➻ ur bitch-ass
fc ➻



name ~ too much work
nicknames ~ ash, ashy, aves, a, av, ass
gender ~ girl
sexuality ~ straighter than the pole ur mom dances on

hair ~ black and long
eyes ~ the color of 89% dark chocolate
status ~ single but not like a Pringle's bc those aren't single
likes ~ poetry, music, friends, history, chemistry, justin timberlake
dislikes ~ you so go away
fc ~ idk find me one

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