Percy Wilding

5th year student / Animagus

The quiz shows that I am actually 86% Gryffindor and 86% Slytherin, so I sort of belong to both houses. My other character Frostfire is in Slytherin.

  • Joined May 2019
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 58 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


I am at my 5th year at Hogwarts, I learnt and became an Animagus, I could turn into a Phoenix at will. At first I had always thought that I turned into an eagle because my patronus is an Eagle. Animagus transformation wasn't too hard for me, I guess it was because my father was also an animagus.
My four favourite subjests in order were Transfiguration, Care for Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark Arts and potions.
My school friends say that I am ambitous (I have attempted several really advanced spells at school) and curious (I got into trouble a dozen times a year). I was made a prefect on my fifth year.
I am half-blooded, my mum is a muggle and my father is a wizard (He is an animagus as I said before)
My patronus is an Eagle
My wand is 13 inches Ebony wood Dragon heartstring with supple flexibility.
My Ilvermorny House is Wampus
I have an owl called Thora, a large snowy owl with some black feathers on her wings.
At my sorting ceremony the sorting hat said it was hard to decide whether I should be in Slytherin or Gryffindor, because I have ambition inside me and I am daring in the same time.
My Dormitory is Secret Point of Fire (#14209), welcome to join in.

// Registered at the website on May 17, 2019 //
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