Quinitius Whitefern


Gryffindor fourth year student and seeker of adventure!

  • Joined July 2019
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Name: Quinitius William Welles (prefers to use mothers maiden name, Whitefern)
Nickname: Quin
Age: 14 born October 19 2005
Birthplace: Emsworth, Hampshire, England
Blood status: Halfblood

School currently attending: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
House at Hogwarts: Gryffindor
Wand: Willow wood, phoenix feather core, 10 1/2 inches
Pet: Cosmo (Siberian cat)
Patronus: Siberian cat

Quin has Hazel eyes. He has curly brown hair and his face is dotted with freckles. Quinitius tends to wear a mix between muggle and wizard clothing.
Quin was born and grew up in Emsworth, Hampshire, England. His father is a muggle technician and his mother is a well respected witch that works with the ministry her job is helping muggleborn children adjust to the often times overwhelming wizarding world. Growing up he spent a lot of time with his grandmother and her passing hit him hard. Quin actually had a twin sister who was to be named Estella but she didn't make it during birth. This strained his parents relationship and this on top of numerous other things caused them to eventually divorce. Although she is gone Quin feels almost a connection to her and will write his journal entries as if they were letters addressed to her. He has a 6 year old half sister named Lily and a 11 year old sister named Kaitlyn who is a squib. His stepdad is a pureblood wizard of a respectable Irish family. His mothers family are a well respected pureblood family known to consist of mostly Hufflepuffs they have a family farm with some magical creatures that they visit and have reunions at every year. Some of Quinitius's hobbies are reading, photography, music, herbology, and caring for magical creatures.

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