The Fantastic 6

Six Peas in a Pod

Regina, Cameron, Nicholas “Nick”, Tatiana, Rhian, Amelia “Mia”

  • Joined July 2019
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


A group of 6 best friends.
Account mainly run by Regina, Nicholas and Cameron.
All of us are active.
Feel free to post on our wall to start a RP or just to chat.
If you want a RP with a specific one of us just say so.

Name: Regina Alicia Bellafiore
House: Gryffindor
Year: Sixth (can change for RP)
Wand: Cherry wood 10¼ inches phoenix feather core reasonably springy.
Heritage: Italian
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Light brown, slightly wavy hair. Fair skin. Slim build. Pale olive-green eyes.
Height: 5.6”
Extra Info: I can speak Spanish, English and Italian. Enjoy reading and hanging out with friends. Have a slight English accent due to having moved to England at a young age. I love to sing but not confident enough to do it in front of others.
Likes: Charms, food, cute dates, good-hearted people, Quidditch
Dislikes: Potions class, insects, self-absorbed people, lying

Face Claim:

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Name: Nicholas Blackwood
House: Hufflepuff
Year: Sixth (can change for RP)
Wand: Walnut wood 11 inches unicorn hair core rigid
Heritage: Australian
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Blonde hair. Electric blue eyes. Short, styled to the side hair. Fair skin. Broad-shouldered and tall.
Height: 6.1”
Extra Info: I like playing the violin and running. Quidditch is my preferred sport. I’m a muggle-born. I wear glasses during school as I am far-sighted. Goofy and chill personality. Always seem to be running late.
Likes: Magical creatures, Quidditch, making jokes, being with friends, sketching
Dislikes: Things that explode, being ignored, foods with pumpkins in it

Face Claim:

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Name: Cameron Jay Smith
House: Ravenclaw
Year: Sixth (can change for RP)
Wand: 10" inches hawthorn wood unicorn hair core pliable.
Heritage: American
Sexuality: Don’t really see the point of needing this..but straight
Appearance: Brown hair. Pale green eyes. Light freckles. Stocky build. Olive skin.
Height: 6”
Extra Info: I can raise both my eyebrows by themselves if that makes any sense. I enjoy hanging out with these other 5 crazy kids and Ellie Welly (Marielle, she has an account on here if you wanna go check her out. She’s pretty cool to hang with).
Likes: Sports, studying, exploring the castle, sleeping
Dislikes: Swimming in water with unknown depth, bad grades, fake people

Face Claim:

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Name: Amelia “Mia” Brightwater
House: Gryffindor
Year: Sixth (can change for RP)
Wand: Cypress 12” inches dragon heartstring fairly rigid.
Heritage: Australian
Sexuality: Bi :3
Appearance: Blonde curly hair. Lightly tanned skin. Skinny build. Nose piercing.
Height: 5.6”
Extra Info: I love playing netball (a Muggle sport). Matcha tea is my favourite treat. Love hanging with my friends, especially Regi, Tati and Marielle. Our chats are the weirdest things in the world...
Likes: Sunny weather, animals, CoMC, tea
Dislikes: Cloudy days, peaches, pixies

Face Claim:

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Name: Rhian Sanchez
House: Hufflepuff
Year: Sixth (can change for RP)
Wand: Walnut wood 12.5” inches unicorn hair core flexible.
Heritage: Spaniard-American
Sexuality: Bi
Appearance: Brown hair with blonde highlights. Dark brown eyes. Stocky build. Slightly tanned. Slightly crooked nose.
Height: 6”
Extra Info: I enjoy studying and spending time with friends. I’m quite outgoing and sociable. Meeting new people is a kind of a hobby of mine. Goofy at times and like making jokes.
Likes: Flying (class), sweets, a good joke
Dislikes: Herbology, being lost, small spaces

Face Claim:

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Name: Tatiana de Ivanov
House: Slytherin
Year: Sixth (can change for RP)
Wand: Mahogany 11” inches Phoenix feather core inflexible.
Heritage: Russian
Sexuality: Nah, don’t see the necessity of having to answer that.
Appearance: Natural red wavy hair. Freckled face. Dark green eyes. Fair skin. Slim build.
Height: 5.7”
Extra Info: I almost got into Ravenclaw, mind-blowing I know, I wouldn’t say I’m the smartest of people. Sometimes can be a bit sassy but that’s just me.
Likes: Potions class, doing risky things, late night walks
Dislikes: CoMC, being questioned, disrespect

Face Claim:

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- Always do open RP's unless the situation calls for something specific.

- No god-modding, it's plain out annoying.

- Use proper grammar and detail. No *grins*.

- 2-3 sentence responses at the least.

- Be realistic with your magic/powers.

- If you make it romantic, we will go along with it unless specified otherwise.

- Take the rp somewhere! Keep it interesting, if you want to stop role-playing just say it, don't suddenly stop responding.

- Don't be psychic or pull some mind-reading.

- We are up for any type of rp.

- No asterisks.

- Have fun with it, don't role play with something you don't like or don't feel comfortable with.

- Keep the role play revolving around the Harry Potter universe unless it is specified otherwise.

- Only write in either first, second or third person.

- If we're not responding, don't spam us, we're probably busy or asleep. Our timezone is AWST, so please keep that in mind if we're taking longer than usual to respond.
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