Rose Rookwood


  • Joined August 2019
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • India


(Younger Student) That faithful day when a snowy owl swooped into my room through the window and dropped the Hogwarts letter of enrollment on my desk. At first, I thought it was just a joke, ya know? I mean I always believed that I was a muggle, ya know since my parents were muggles. But it seems, that somewhere in my distant bloodline someone was a witch and the power of that witch had jumped across 5 generations and finally activated in me. I was jumping out of joy at this point. I went and showed my parents the Hogwarts letter. At first, they thought I was messing with them but then they thought that the letter seemed legitimate and said that they were happy for me. They booked a flight to London. Once we arrived they took me to Diagon alley and bought all the first-year requirements. I got my first wand at Ollivander's. it was made of alder wood, 13 1/4 inches long, slightly flexible and phoenix feather as the base. We also bought a pup to keep me company at Hogwarts. Her name is Karma (Karma is a bitch). After getting done with all that mess they came to drop me off at platform 9 3/4. I took the Hogwarts express to go to Hogwarts. Now I can finally begin this new adventure.
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