♡ Just 4 Friends ♡

♡ the girls ♡

Just four great friends: Addison Snow, Ellie Eleven Riddle, Ellie, and Celestia .C. Granger.

  • Joined August 2019
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


<summary>Ellie Eleven.</summary>

Name- Ellie Eleven.

Age- 13.

Likes- dolphins, Stranger Things.

Dislikes- people who pretend to be my friends.

Faceclaim- Millie Bobby Brown.

<summary>Addison Snow.</summary>

Name- Addison Snow.

Age- 13.

Likes- warm blankets, Starbucks, reading, writing.

Dislikes- almonds, hypocrites, homework (eww).

Faceclaim- Selena Gomez.

<summary>Ellie Eleven Riddle.</summary>

Name- Ellie Eleven Riddle.

Age- 13.

Likes- Harry Potter, Glee, Stranger Things.

Dislikes- Being rushed, making messes, being alone.

Faceclaim- Emma Watson

<summary>Celestia .C. Granger.</summary>

Name- Celestia Cho Granger.

Age- 13.

Likes- reading, rain, drawing, oversized hoodies

Dislikes- school, Idiots


<summary>Roleplay Rules.</summary>

-No Godmodding!

-No asterisks.

-Don't be rude.

-If it's about Harry Potter don't incorporate any other shows or movies or books either.


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