In this world you either yeet or you get yeeted. That’s how I get by, one day at a time. Read my backstory to get to know me :p
- Joined October 2019
- Member of Gryffindor
- 13 House Points
- 1st Year
My mom was a Hufflepuff and my dad a slytherin, so here I am, a proud Gryffindor.I’m 18 years old (Libra) and currently in 7th grade.
I love to have fun and to make people laugh. I don’t have a lot of true friends and I don’t mind being alone, I try to surround myself with good people as much as I can.
Magical Facts about ME!;
•Patronus: Dragon (but I’m a softie trust me (; )
•Wand: Hazel wood with a dragon heartstring core, 11 ¼" and unbending flexibility
•Ilvermorny house: Thunderbird
•Pet: barn owl, his name is Gatsby
•Some would say I’m a Hufflepuff, but I’m quite too judgemental, selfish and inpatient to belong with those awesome beans, I love to hang out with them though! (I see myself as a Gryffinpuff)
•I'm an animagus; Wolf
Muggle facts about ME!;
- I am panromantic! But I don’t like labels, if I like you I like you and if you swoop my heart I’ll fall in love with you (:
- I’m a musician, I play: Piano, Acoustic and electric guitar, ukulele, melodica, recorder.
- I write poetry and stories!
- I also like to draw, although I still need quite a lot of practice
- Muggles have peculiar ways of entertainment, I quite like gaming though: minecraft and PUBG are my main go to’s
- I watch a lot of anime and tons of other stuff we can bond over :D I’m quite the fangirl
- I am addicted to sushi, cold coffee and I just adore bubble tea!
- I’m quite dark minded and anxious (also depressed) but I try to keep my head up and hope for the better!
- I’m very determined, if it means something to me I’ll do everything in my power to achieve it.
- I really need some good friends though, so if you’re interested please don’t be afraid to come by my dorm sometime!
I’ll stop talking-, writing now, I never know when to stop once you get me going... but I’m a good listener if you ever need a shoulder to cry on <3
Have a nice day!