- Joined October 2019
- Member of Gryffindor
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
My name is Marina Spring. I am 15, a fifth year. If you want to know, I'm a half-blood, and, yeah. I love Potions and DADA, although I'm not very good at DADA. The only grade that I've ever got for DADA in the past years is..... an A. But I still love it!!!!!I have 2 sisters, both LOVE fashion. Seriously, they're like,cray-cray over clothes. I'll dress in dirty pants and they'll be like,"OMG!!! MIra, rush her to the spa room!! I'll get everything!!" Yes, we have a spa room, Mom's idea. My sisters are Mira, 16, and Maya, 17.
I like to cook. But the only thing that I love to cook most is roasted chicken. I love to eat it too!! Hahahaha!!
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