

Hey. :) My name's Alexandra, Alex or Lexie for short. I've always wanted to go to Hogwarts, now I kinda am.

  • Joined November 2019
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 75 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


I was sorted into hufflepuff for my loyalty and hard work. I was slightly a hatstall, the sorting hat yelled out words describing hufflepuff and slytherin, then decided I was more hufflepuff than any other house. I enjoy spells and potions class and, I love quiditch. I don't really dislike any classes. I'm a half-blood as my Mum is a wizard but, my Father is a muggle and, I must say an amazing cook. I don't think my blood status has had a major impact on my schooling or my life as a wizard. I still enjoy everything my peers do and I am particularly good at school. My greatest strength and weakness is one in the same. I always see the best in people rather than focusing on the bad because, I beleive everyone desrves to be known for the good side of them. So sometimes I trust the wrong people. After school I want to travel and learn more about the wizarding world. I think spells are the most fascinating thing about magic because, it's amazing that you can do something with a few words and a wand. I prefer to use magic to help others. For example, I love healing spells because, they come in really handy for my friends. What I really want is to enjoy life and never take anything for granted, aspecially people I deeply care about. I want to be happy and share that happiness with others. I do gave a few pet peeves. I hate mess and unorganisations. I hate it when people lie especiallt when it's about something important. I hate it when someone doesn't care about others emotions and feelings. Ect. My Father met my Mother when they were younger and, although he was muggleborn as soon as he got to know her he decided to join her at Howarts. He exelled at many classes and, was odly smarter than most of the other kids within the 2nd year. My Mothers a Hufflepuff, My Dads a Ravenclaw and my younger Sister is a Slytherin. Out of all my family I am closest to my sister.

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