Emma Clarkson


  • Joined November 2019
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


Disclaimer: Obviously, this isn’t the real life me :3 But I do wish I was a witch xD

Hi! Hello! Bonjour! I think that’s French... my name is Emma Clarkson, though you can call me Emma :D Mainly because that’s my name, but it’s also my nickname, sooo... anyway, um, I am a muggleborn, so my parents aren’t magic. At all. But they are really nice, and that counts for something! My mum’s called Josephine, and my dad’s called Gareth. They own a little hairdressers that we live above. It doesn’t earn much money, but they enjoy it so much and by now, they practically know everyone in town because we only live in a small village. Sometimes, I help out, and it is super fun!!

When I got the acceptance letter from Hogwarts, I couldn’t believe it. A school where you got to learn all about magic? How come I’d never heard of this before?? Mum was so chuffed, she was crying, and dad kept joking that I’d better not go without him. A few months later, mum took me to a place called ‘Diagon Alley’, where we bought all our things for Hogwarts like robes and books and even a magic wand! Dad was busy looking after the hairdressers, so he couldn’t come.

And then I got to go on a magical train called the Hogwarts Express! It was wonderful; you had to run through a wall to get to it and everything. There was loads of food, and I mean looooaaaads, and I ate so many chocolate frogs, I was nearly sick. Or maybe that was the dog poo every flavour bean I got... whichever it was, it doesn’t matter. I fell asleep at some point and once I woke up, we were nearly there. So I changed into my robes and realised how nervous I was - you know when you feel like everything’s gonna go wrong, even though it obviously isn’t? It was like that.

When we arrived at the school (which was soooo magical...), we had to put on this weird talking hat that decided what house you should be in. It was muttering to me for a while when I went up, about my enthusiasm and humour and all that, before it finally decided that I should be a HUFFLEPUFF (whatever that is). I ran over to the table that was cheering the loudest, and for the rest of the night, I ate and ate and ate. It was amazing :D

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