- Joined April 2020
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 114 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Backstory:Hi! My name is Zara and I'm a muggle-born. I learned everything from one of the kids I met in Diagon Alley. Anyways, when I found out I was sorted into Hufflepuff I was immediately disappointed and angered. Why did I have to get the most "useless" house? But now, I've learned a lot about the Hufflepuff house and what it means to be a Hufflepuff. The ironic thing is that now I will literally attack somebody if they say anything negative about Hufflepuffs. We're not all crazy nice and boring. No offense to those kids who are though. We love you too. But anyways, I've always been known as the person who stand up for what they believe in while I went to muggle schools. So, that ain't stopping anytime soon. I've already argued with this stuck-up pureblood Slytherin. He threatened to tell his father... Does it look like I care? He was kinda cute, but once again he's stuck up and I don't think he likes muggle-borns that much. Well, that's all I have for now. I'm sure I'll have more to say over the years, I mean it is only my first year. I can't wait for the rest of this adventure.
(All the stuff below is for my character and not necessarily me in real life btw)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight but somewhat bi curious
Relationship status: Single
Age: Depends on RP
Height: 5'4
Wand: Beech wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ¼" and reasonably supple flexibility
Appearance: Long, straight brown hair, bright blue eyes, freckles, nice smile, diamond shaped face, nice eyebrows, etc.
Good traits: Determined, Loving, Caring, Intelligent, strives for kindness, patient, a good advice giver, smiley most of the time, sarcastic (that can be good or bad i guess but her sarcasm is good most of the times)
Bad traits: Stubborn, a little chaotic at times, when she's mad she's mad, don't fight with her just don't, has strong beliefs and sometimes she can be a little closed-minded but she tries to be open-minded.
Likes: kindness, inteligence, animals, music (guitar, piano, and singing especially), sports (loves quidditch), cooking, friends and family, protests
Dislikes: Arrogant people, sexism, people against muggle-borns, racism, bullying, and basically just people being mean to people especially if their completely innocent.
Hobbies: Singing, playing guitar and piano, quidditch, cooking, debate
Quidditch Position: Beater
Boggart: Corpse of parents
Patronus: Mastiff
Pets: Tawny Owl
Theme song: Fearless by Louis Tomlinson
Where you can find her: In the kitchen, quidditch fields, or the great hall handing out fliers.
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