My name is Skara Weasley-Black, I have too many siblings, my mom died when I was 13, I love muggle heavy rock music, and I work with dragons
- Joined April 2020
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 75 House Points
- 1st Year
Age; 23Blood-Type; Pureblood
House; Ravenclaw
Description; Very long, dark-brown hair with purple streaks, 5'7, one tattoo on left forearm and another on right shoulder
Personality; A bit shy around new people, very caring (I am like a mom to many people), a bit morbid at times, sarcastic
Animagus; Hungarian Horntail
Growing up I've had a pretty strange life, but not just because I'm a witch. I'm a Pureblood witch in Ravenclaw from the houses of Weasley and Black, so everyone thought I would either be in Gryffindor or Slytherin. My mom died when I was thirteen leaving me and my ten siblings in the care of my dad. Thankfully there were so many Weasley relatives my dad could pass kids off to. I really enjoyed my time at Hogwarts because I got to see my cousins and siblings often, and since I was such a good student and so smart, the teachers were nice and friendly and didn't care what I did most of the time. If we were learning something that was super easy the teacher would let me skip class, and obviously I would go straight to the library. When I graduated I applied to several Dragon Sanctuaries, and while I waited for replies, I worked at a bar and learned some handy tips and tricks. I finally heard back from a couple of the Sanctuaries and I chose the one in America. I have worked for 4 years at the Sanctuary, and since I'm so good, they have worked out a little deal. Half of the year I spend with my grandfather, Charlie Weasley, at the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary, and the other half back in America. I live with one of my aunts from my mom's side of the family. I chose to stay with her because her house is only a short broom-ride away from the Sanctuary and I absolutely adore my three young cousins. I get to babysit them often because it seems my aunt is involved with every organization in the world. The two things I love most in the world are dragons and muggle heavy rock music. I absolutely love it! I have my own baby dragon and sometimes I'll leave her at my aunt's house as a little surprise while I'm at work. I'm pretty sure my aunt dislikes me right now because she is deathly afraid of dragons. Oops...Well, at least the kids love the dragon.
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