Emilié is a young witch and has started teaching at Hogwarts at the age of 22. She also has a secrets about her "second" job...
- Joined April 2020
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
Backstory: I'm Emilié Werner and I was born in a pure blood family. I went to Hogwarts and got sorted into Ravenclaw, the years went by and I graduated top of my class and after that I became a professor there. At the moment I teach Defense against the Dark arts and sometimes teach History of magic. Also i'm the youngest professor at Hogwarts. Everybody likes me better then Snape and will whine if im not teaching DADA that day but let's not get into that shall we. As a professor, I'll try to be kind but strict and try to keep my lessons interesting. Also when teaching I'll try to keep my "second" job as secret to the students that know me from my Hogwarts years.
About the second job I have... I work for the Death eaters as a spy, and i'll tell the Dark Lord about stuff that happens inside the walls of Hogwarts. I have not become one of them.. no I will not get that tattoo on my arm, but I have some scars on my arms from my death eater jobs. Sometimes you'll need to take the matters in your own hands and do what needs to be done...
Patronus: Borzoi
Wand: Yew wood with a dragon heartstrings core, 13 ¼" and unbending flexibility
Appearance: Dyed dark orange/red/brownish semi curly hair that's normally put in a two dutch braids, normal build and 5'6 height. Has green/dark grey eyes and fair skin. When I'm not in uniform I tend to wear a white and navy blue dress with sneakers or dark jeans with a black or grey woolen polo/white t-shirt. When I go outside in a cold weather I wear my long high collared black jacket. I wear glasses that are semi round. Also I have a holster for my wand.
When im doing my Death eater duties, I wear my black woolen polo with a black or grey skirt, on top of them I wear my long high collared black jacket. I also have my Death eater mask on me sometimes
Personality: Shy, kind, always trying to do the right thing, intelligent, witty but manipulative, ruthless, aggressive, persuasive in a bad way, very capable in dark arts, two faced, will do anything to achieve the goal even kill if necessary
Birthday: 25th of January
Age: 22-26 (depends on the rp)
Star Sign: Aquarius
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship status: In a on-off relationship with Scabior. (Has been in a relationship with Quirrell during their Hogwarts years, but it stopped after the school ended.)
Animagus: Hyena
Boggart: Betrayal
Hobbies: Reading, drawing, painting, writing own stories
Pet: Black British longhair named Luci
Favorite Subjects/Subjects that I teach: Defense against the Dark arts, History of magic