- Joined April 2020
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 260 House Points
- 1st Year
I’m a proud Hufflepuff. My family thought it was a joke from me when I told them which house I was put into because they said I anger easily, but it’s adolescence, I’m not supposed to be happy all day. Instead, I can be seen as everything a Hufflepuff is: loyal, persistent, hardworking, honest and friendly (I only lack of patience xD), but still I was a immediate decision by the Sorting Hat and I’m happy about it.I’m a muggleborn, but I like to think I’m halfblood cause I’ve always seen my mother so magic <3
I’m so happy to start this adventure and learn lots of things (even more than a Ravenclenclaw haha), but I’m more excited about Charms class.
If I’m honest, I dunno what I want to do after school is over, but I’m not worried cause I still have 7 years ahead to discover it ;)
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