Josephine Miller

Student. Metamorphmagus

I'm Josephine, but you can call me Jo. I'm a metamorphmagus. I love books and music. Owl me when you want to rp, bc I have a lot of free time!

  • Joined April 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 6 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Argentina


Yup, I'm a metamorphmagus! I'm a proud Slytherin. The Sorting Hat took three minutes while choosing between Ravenclaw and Slytherin. I think that my ambitious side took the control so that´s why I'm in Slytherin. (I'm smart and creative, but i'm really ambitious and detGardnerermined) My favourite class is charms and defense against the dark arts. The class I like the least is potions and history of magic, because they are both boring for me. I'm very good at care of magical creatures, but I don't like that class a lot. I'm a pureblood. Some people didn't like me at the start, because I'm a metamorphmagus, but now I have a lot of friends who think I'm great. My greatest strength is taking care of my friends and always meeting my goals. The exams are easy for me when I have the necessary preparation, but when I'm not, it's horrible. My biggest weakness is chocolate (jk), really, is being ignored, belittled or neglected. That hurts me a lot! I want to become an auror when i finish my studies. I lived my whole life with muggles, so magic was something completely new for me! I love everything about magic! I always use magic for good reasons, like helping people or friends. Im really good at quidditch, but I'm not in the team bc I'm a first-year. I have a brown owl called Gardnet, I got it in Diagon Alley at 11.

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