Gwendolyn Rivers


  • Joined May 2020
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


Name - Gwendolyn Rivers
Age - 13
Nationality - Welsh

I am a half-blood sorted into Slytherin who had a family full of Ravenclaw's and Gryffindor's my mother who is a muggle-born sorted into Gryffindor and most of my father's family Ravenclaw's and a couple of rouge Hyfflepuff's., I have 2 older brothers already attending Hogwarts, Oliver who is a 5th Year who was sorted into Ravenclaw and is prefect of his house and my brother Charles who is a 3rd year who is a Gryffindor and a chaser for his house quidditch, you could easily say that me being sorted into Slytherin was a shock and although they won't say so a bit of a disappointment. I have a younger brother also who is a year younger than me named Gregory. I was a hat stall between the houses Gryffindor and Slytherin and was only seconds away from overcoming Minerva McGonagall hat stall of five and a half minutes. The sorting hat decided to place me in Slytherin as my personality show more signs of Slytherin characteristics.

The classes I exceed in are transfiguration, defence against the dark arts and flying but I mostly enjoy flying lessons, defence against the dark arts and transfiguration. I despise history of magic, Herbology and Astronomy lessons but I always make sure that the professors favour me and that I am one of the top students in the class. I intend to use my magical abilities to further my knowledge in other fields and to help follow my dreams but also to help others with their endeavour's and teach others. The most fascinating thing about magic, in my opinion, is that magic is something that you must learn to help yourself but also others.

I am a half-blood as I have already said I do not believe that my blood status or any blood status effect's me or anyone else in the Wizarding World as there is not much prejudice around blood status anymore as there once was but I do believe having being born into Wizarding society I have known nothing except magic, unlike muggle-borns. I believe my greatest strength my ambitiousness and drive for my goals but also this is my greatest weakness. If I am truly honest the thing I want is the approval of others. I have a pet barn owl called Gideon that travels to Hogwarts with me and a German Shepard dog at home named Monty, Gideon is a very calm owl and very smart whereas Monty is active and boisterous.
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