this is aces brother, when i visited the hospital and showed him the messages calling this fake, he decided to never come back. One day, he may return
- Joined July 2020
- Member of Gryffindor
- 8 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
(Dragonologist) Dragons are among the most dangerous and magical of creatures in the world, wizarding or otherwise. I was first intrigued by them when I was standing in Gregorovich’s wand shop and he handed me a wand made of Hornbeam and Dragon Heartstring. We took an immediate liking to each other, and it has been my friend ever since. She has saved my life more than once, that’s for sure! Dragons come in a variety of temperaments, and while they can be persuaded to tolerate a Witch or Wizard’s presence, their mood can be quite the fickle thing. I came pretty close to being toasted once, but my partner warned me just in time and I was able to apparate away. Splinched a fingernail too, but compared to what I’ve seen that’s nothing.Patronus: Dragon
Animagi Form: Lion
Amortentia: Fries, Oreos, Skittles.

Primary Spell: Avada Kedavra

Wand: 14 1/4 inches, Shedua wood, Phoenix Feather
Dating: Sarah Scammander
Name: Nari
Species: Dragon
Gender: Female
Likes: Leadership, young spellcasters particularly Gryffindors and Slytherins.
Personality: Brave, Loyal, Cunning, smart and kind
Names: Angel and Astrysta
Species: Dragon
Gender: Astrysta (black) is female and Angel (white) is male
Like: Each other ( they're in love ), flying, freedom
Personality: Sweet, loving, adventurous
Name: Cyclonis
Species: Air elemental
Gender: Male
Likes: The wind, outside.
Personality: Independent, Loyal
Name: Nightwing
Species: Threstral
Gender: Male
Likes: Friendship, Peace
Personality: Peaceful, Independent, Loyal
Names: Birch, Basil, Briar
Species: Jackalope
Gender: Basil is a male but the others are females.
Likes: Tickles, being together
Personality: Playful and cheery
Name: Teddy
Species: Mammoth
Gender: Male
Likes: The cold, gryffindors
Personality: Shy, loving
Name: Erylis
Species: Vampire
Gender: Female
Likes: Family
Personality: Quiet, shy, sweet
Name: Amphitrite
Species: Mermaid
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Likes: To swim, sea animals
Personality: Shy, sweet
Name: Elle
Species: Fairy
Gender: Female
Likes: Flowers, being alone
Personality: Shy, Loyal, sweet
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