Fantastic Gurlz

We gonna take over the world

Live a wonderful life fellow alien! ~Polly || Can water get wet? ~Hazelnut || Hoi Hoi Hoi~ Wis || I EEZ A ALIEN!~Harmony || YEEPt heyyy~ Angie <3

  • Joined July 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Polly- hai it's meh and imma change this later

I was thinking if doing yellow.... MWAHAHAHAHA ~Temp


Name: Wisteria Brown
Nicknames: Wis (Meh friends can call me that)
Age: Depends on RP
Year: Depends on RP
Star Sign: Virgo

Patronus: Fox
House: Ravenclaw
Pets: Cat~ Mo Owl~Floop
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Questioning.....
Things that are wrong about meh: Depression and anxiety....
Likes: Friends, being INSANE and WEIRD, reading, eating, cooking, writing
Dislikes: Bullies, rude people *cough cough* Rude olphus, ketchup, overly sweet things
IRL Facts About Meh:
I can speak fluent korean.
I listen to lots of k pop.
I have anxiety and depression.
I love reading, writing, and being INSANE.

Quotes I Love:


DONT FORGET MOIIIIII, ANGIE, THE MAMI, THE PRINCESS (only to some people, NO tempy), ThE fLooFeR mUm, aND mORReeeEE!!!~Angie

HEYO!!! Eets mee!!! A princess of weird!! Hazelnut in da house!!! ~Hazel

Nicknames: Hazelnut (ask),
Haze (anyone), Azzy (anyone), Hazie (Angie, ask if you’re not Angie), Hazelbear (Cinny only), Zelie (Angie only) (full list on personal account)

Likes: Animals, Quidditch, skateboarding, Star Wars, acting, reading, writing, my friends

Dislikes: Fake friends, homophobes, transphobes, moths, being alone, racism, sexism, and meat

Personality: Kind, funny, bold, loud, protective, weird, trusting, talkative

Looks: Light brown hair, tan skin, a few freckles on nose, hazel eyes

House: Gryffindor

Patronus: Black Swan

Animagi: Red Fox

Blood Status: Muggleborn

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Relationship: Single

Problems: Persistent depressive disorder, self-harm

Personal Account: Personal account

Name: Sage Maiden
Nicknames: Sagie (anyone), Gigi (must ask first)
Gender: Female
Birthday: April 23
House: Ravenclaw
Favorites: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Musical Theater, Kpop, Paganism
What's wrong with me: Depression, Self Hate, Self Harm, Frequent Suicidal Thoughts, Body Shame
I is a asexual actress. If you ever try to flirt with me,
I will find your house and punch you in da face. Not
to mention that I am a real life psychopath/sociopath
(idk the difference) so with that punch in the face,
there is also a chance I'll murder you! Have a good
day :) - Sage Maiden
FC: Chaeyoung

Haiiiii! It's Harmony, LuLu (ask first; Temp and Angie), Glitter (Ask first; Angie and Temp) i NEeDs MoRe NiCKnaMeS!!!!!!!!! GIRL POWER!!!!! Warning: I EEz a WeiRDo!!!!!! I hAvE A ShORt TempER! dO NoT MeSS WiTH mY FriEnDS!!!! Can i be abducted by aliens? ~ Harmony Luna Granger

Name: Harmony Luna Granger 

Nicknames: Lulu (Temperance Klasey) (You have to ask before you can call me this)

Age: varies

Likes: kind people, her friends, reading, writing, and singing 

Dislikes: bullies, clowns, and liars

Animagus: fox

Patronus: Irish wolf hound 

Blood status: muggleborn 

Relationship status: Dating Andrew Potter (I's kinda complicated...)

Family: Her sister is Hermione Granger. Harmony is pregnant with twins! 

Female Snowy owl: Periwinkle

Female Jaculus: Snow White

Male: Niffler: Biggie:

a Male bowtruckle: broccoli:

female bowtruckle: Ivy:

Male pygmy puff: Lion:

Female Phoenix: Arizona:

Female Three headed dog: Athena:

Female Common Welsh green dragon: Emerald:

I am the little sister to the legendary Hermione Granger! I am very smart just like her but I think I struggle to try and live up to everyone's expectations. Everyone thinks that since she is my sister that I should be like her and accomplish great things! I will just not quite yet. The night that she erased our parents memory of her, I was heartbroken. She didn't get my memories though. After that, I had to pretend that she didn't exist, it was TERRIBLE!!! She eventually restored our parents' memories though and we have a wonderful sister relationship. I was sorted into Ravenclaw for a reason and I believe that reason is that I am very smart and I'm very odd in my own way. The decision was immediate, it barely took the sorting hat any time! My favorite classes (so far) would have to be potions, the care and keeping of magical creatures, and Charms. However I do not fancy herbology much. I am doing very well in all of my classes even though I am a muggleborn. My status as a muggleborn has stirred up a lot of bullying from Slytherin, but that does not affect me because I know that I will make a very good witch! I was not yet in Hogwarts when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named rose to power, but I still had full confidence in Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger (who is my favorite person by the way). After I am finished with school I think I either want to work as a professor at Hogwarts or Work at the Minestry Of Magic, maybe even both! I love magic because it is a way that I can be free and show that weird isn't always bad! If I am being honest, I hope to be able to use magic to make a difference and help others! I have two pets who are very loyal, my pet snowy owl, Periwinkle and my pet Jaculus, Snow White! This is all there is to know about me, but hopefully on my way through my magical journey, I will be able find more about myself and share it with the world!


Theme song: stand by you:

Quotes I Live By:

Irl facts!:
Fave movie(s): Proximity; Five children and it
Fave book: Can't choose Lol!
Fave color(s): blue, aqua, firest green, and purple

My quotes:
Haiiiii!!!~ Harmony
Can I be abducted by aliens?~ Harmony
I wanna be abducted by aliens!~ Harmony

Me! FC: idk:

DONT FORGET MOIIIIII, ANGIE, THE MAMI, THE PRINCESS (only to some people, NO tempy), ThE fLooFeR mUm, aND mORReeeEE!!!~Angie

River di Angelo (Angelina/Angie Varlett)

Nicknames: Angie (If I say you can), River (Everyone), Ri-Ri (Angels_and_Demons), Princess (3 Special people, don't bother asking), Mami/Mama (Temp, Harmony, Bea)

Personality: Sweet, kind, sometimes shy, weird, helpful, kind, loyal

Looks: Bright green eyes, Long brown/chestnut hair, tanned, a few freckles, skinny, petite and a bit short

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Relationship: Taken

Problems: Mild depression, Bipolar, Self-Harm

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Temperance Ashalin Klasey

Nicknames: Temp (anyone), Tempy (ONLY IF I SAY YOU CAN), Tempeh (only the people that do already), sis (mah sista 4 ever, Beatrix Malfoy), Tempies (certain peeps), Murderous Child (Angie/mamiii)

Mah BFFs (I has lots): (the one and only) HOLLY (I'll never give up hope on you.), Beatrix Malfoy, River de Angelo (Angie), Hermione Potter Granger, Harmony, Angelica Schulyer, Steluvius Black, Hazelnut Anderson, Avere Coto (please don't feel offended if you aren't here!! Honestly, my mind is blank and I didn't sleep last night....)
TO ALL MEH BESTIES (I still can't figure out how to just put it here without it just being link....):

Looks: longish dark red hair (Almost always kept down), tanish skin, brown eyes, short. Usually wears anything that's comfy....

FC: no frickin idea....

Sexuality: Bi
Status: taken by Stel Black, and not becoming single any time soon

Age: somewhere between 13 & 20 hehe

Patronus: fire-dwelling salamander
Meaning: Having a Fire-Dwelling Salamander as your Patronus means you find comfort in rebirth. You wholeheartedly embrace the idea that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and if you get knocked down, everyone knows you'll get right back up again.

House: Ravenclaw
Double House: slyther claw

Ok. I'm me, deal with it. If you can't, that's your problem, not mine.

But that doesn't mean you have to give up ALL hope. The wonderful universe came from nothing. You'll always have the small flicker of hope that's kept you alive this far. If the universe came from nothing, you can be happy again from the smallest flicker.



I refuse to call you by that new fake name. I will NEVER give up hope on you. You're so many people's friends.... come back to your old self, PLEASE

BTW me backstory is still in progress, I just copied and pasted.... sorry it long XD

♣️ Nickname(s): Cinnamon (Anyone) CM (All joined accounts) Cinny (Hazelbear only)
♣️ Gender: Female
♣️ Sexuality: ???
♣️ Birthday: April 17
♣️ Status: Taken by my Marcus
♣️ Appearance: Strawberry blond-ish hair, blue eyes, freckles
Light-ish tan-ish skin
♣️ Age: 13
♣️ Personality: If I feel bad for you I'll probably call you Sugar (If you don't like that tell me), crazy once you get to know me, shy, wild, did I mention crazy?
♣️ Hobby's: Photography, art, writing, reading, horse riding

♣️ Likes: Blue, rose gold, my bf, Whataburger, animals
♣️ Dislikes: Trump (sorry to those of you who like him), bright pink, a-holes, b****es
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