Severus Snape is my one true love (read bio) Wall- friends only Post-anyone
- Joined October 2016
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Name: Assyla Raycife-Snape.Children: Electra Selene Raycife-Snape (irl niece, Electra Snape profile) and Crow Alan Snape.(irl nephew, Crow Snape profile)
Wife of Severus Snape. (dating irl person who owns Severus HalfBlood Prince)
Parents: Eveline Daphne(PB), Demetrius Raycife(PB).
Bloodstatus: Pureblood.
Family Loyalty: Slytherin.
House: Ravenclaw.
Occupation: I used to be a healer but now I am an archaeologist.
Patronus: Raven.
Animagus: Raven.
Other Abilities: master at potion making, can speak multiple languages.
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