She was brought to the world on a fairy boat, little did she know she was coming from heaven to Hell little did she know..
- Joined October 2020
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
<details><summary>Charlotte</summary>Name: Charlotte Johnhassen
Faction: Dauntless
House: Slytherin
District: 2
Age: 10
Looks: Long gold locks of hair, and almost black eyes, she is 5 foot nine, and has freckles.
Personality: Charlie is very smart, she often wears heels to look taller
Backstory: when Charlie was 3 she was diagnosed with with a disease, and it made her almost completely deaf, causing her to grow very slowly, and not very talk, she is teased by other children at the orphanage, when our staff is not watching. She only has enough hearing ability to lip read. She uses ASL.
Problems: She has panic attacks, and screams and cries in the bathroom
Other: She always locks her door at night, and the orphanage has a camera in her room, but she is a very behaved child. Oh, and always have her sing to you while she's in the tub, or shower.
Other other: Charlotte is very shy and when having a panic attack she screams as loud, as she can, but does not want anyone to come running, she almost never talks.

Name: Blake Johnhassen
Faction: Candor
House: Hufflepuff
District: 11
Age: 10
Looks: short gold curly hair, almost black eyes, lots of freckles, 4 foot 2
Personality: Happy, smart, abrasive
Backstory: He and his twin (Charlie, above) have had a very rough beginning, being teased, even though Blake had no issues, and being abused.
Problems: Blake has secrets, about him, and sometimes, he hurts himself, when the secrets hurt him, often they are about sexual abusement he's had in the past.
Other: He plays nice sometimes, but then goes and hurts the person he plays nice too. He will kill anyone who touches his sister.


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