Riley Granger

House Ghost

Hello I'm just a lonely house ghost, who is wanting to make friends, while doing his studies at the best wizarding school in the world.

  • Joined November 2016
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 209 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


I'm muggle born. If that isn't hard enough I died at age 11 trying to create a potion in my backyard. It didn't, it blew up. I still received my Hogwarts letter. I still go to school like all the normal kids. Even though I'm not normal. I have to live up to my name so I take all classes possible. I try to be normal but is hard. I am now a Griffondor house ghost. I have friends not a lot, but enough. I am normal as I can be. Considering I am Hermione's long lost brother.
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