- Joined October 2020
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 66 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Hi. I'm Liza Puffer. Here are some things you should know about me.Name: Liza Puffer
House: Ravenclaw
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Appearance: 4 2', small for her age, skinny, hourglass shape that people tend to get jealous of, long wavy brown hair with a violet streak that runs down her back to her hips, big brown eyes, and upturned nose, a mouth with very red lips, pale skin.
Life Before Hogwarts: In 2008 I was born, the youngest and only girl in my family. I had 5 older brothers and was forced to do all the cleaning and cooking. Both my parents are wizards, my Mom is Pure-blood, my Dad is Muggle-born. My brother's names are Luke, Fred, Max, Ricky, and Nate. When I was born they all crowded around my mother and said things like: "I wanted a brother!" "It has hair?" "Booo girls!". My Dad was no better, from the moment I could walk, they treated me like a servant. My mother was the only one who loved me. She would let me go to Muggle school every day, even though my Dad insisted that I didn't need to. It was our secret. When I was 7, my mother had twins, by the time I was 9, she had had triplets too. Now I have 10 brothers, 5 older, 5 younger.
Hogwarts Letter: Everyone was surprised when I got my Hogwarts letter. My brothers had all gotten theirs, but no one thought I would get one too. My Dad was happy, my Mom was excited. They both praised me. My Dad told me he "Knew I had it in me", my Mom said she "was so excited for me".
Role Play Characters
Name: Liza Puffer
House: Ravenclaw
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Appearance: 4 2', small for her age, skinny, hourglass shape that people tend to get jealous of, long wavy brown hair with a violet streak that runs down her back to her hips, big brown eyes, and upturned nose, a mouth with very red lips, pale skin, perfect teeth.
Name: Luke Puffer
House: Ravenclaw
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Appearance: 4 11', skinny, brown waved hair with a blue streak, big brown eyes, upturned nose, perfect teeth, pale skin.
Name: Fred Puffer
House: Ravenclaw
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5 4', buff, brown waved hair, big brown eyes, upturned nose, perfect teeth, pale skin.
Name: Max Puffer
House: Ravenclaw
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5 7', skinny, long brown hair, big brown eyes, braces, pale skin, square glasses
Name: Ricky Puffer
House: Ravenclaw
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5 6', buff, wavy brown hair, big brown eyes, perfect teeth, pale skin