Hello! I am A new beater on the quidditch team. My Name is Jazel Riddle. If you know what shifting is, lets be friends.
- Joined November 2020
- Member of Slytherin
- 74 House Points
- 1st Year
United States

Hello, i am a pure blood
My father is Tom Riddle,
My mother is ded and i never met her

The weasleys adopted me when i was 6 and my house ended up being in slytherin...you can only imagine the look on their faces haha but its alright i love them anyways.
Oh my favorite classes here are charms, care for magical creatures, divination, and transfiguration, DADA... i have lots of favorites ik
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My wand is sycamore wood
10 1/2"
With a unicorn hair core

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