The Big 4~Jack, Sami, Harv, Mo~ Just 4 best friends being "young, dumb, and broke" together~ Please feel free to advertise on our wall-no politics :)
- Joined February 2021
- Member of Slytherin
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
United States









<summary>The Band</summary>
Jack and Harvey and their other friends Kris and Eugene(aka Fitz) are in a Band together. They have yet to decide on a name. If you would like to see "live performances" or "Youtube Videos" of them singing and performing go check out THE BAND HERE and be a part of picking out their band name by filling out the form in the Rules section of the group!<details>
<summary>Who's In the Band</summary>
Lead Singer - Jackson Overland Lead Guitarist - Kristoff Bjorgman Keyboard Piano - Eugene Fitzherbert Drummer - Harvey Haddock Manager - Looking To Hire Ad Manager- Looking to Hire Photographer - Looking To Hire Choreographer - Looking To Hire</details><details>
+Cover Band+ Rock Pop Hip Hop R & B Electronic Alternative Rock We are exploring different Genres until we find the one that is right for us! : )</details><details>
<summary>How we Started</summary>
Jack, Fitz, Harv, and Kris started out as a garage band out of Detroit, Michigan, when they were all 14. They played small concerts and parties around the Detroit Area for almost 1 ½ years. After they played a gig at teen club where they were found out by Magical Muzic Records (a music label company from New York that scouts out Wizard and Witch bands) they went on to have a successful Youtube Channel with over 1.5 million subscribers. Since then they have been playing in concert halls across America, Europe, and will eventually travel to Australia.</details><details>
<summary>How the Band Works on HiH</summary>
>The Band “makes music videos” by writing out the lyrics to songs into a post and posting it to the group. >The Band “performs live” by using the Live Chat option and posting lyrics to that and letting the fans interact that way! >The Band “does giveaways” by having their Manager make and design clothes and Band Merch that can be exclusively given or can be bought.</details></details>■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■<details>
<summary>Other Friends</summary>
~~~ Fred Weasley & George Weasley

<summary>Diagon Alley & Hogsmeade</summary>
Check out the Group Here Owners Profile Managers Profile</details><details>
<summary>PotterMonster Magazine</summary>
The PotterMonster Magazine is a teen creativity and entertainment magazine that publishes an online magazine every other week! Request to Join the Group Here Apply Here Subscribe to the PMM Write a Review on the PMM Join the PMM Readers Club Here Message The Official HiH Profile of the PMM with questions!

<summary>Backstory Coding Group</summary>
Join the Backstory Coding Group Here</details><details>
<summary>Slytherin Discord Server</summary>
Message Me for the Updated Link!

If you are a part of a cool group that you think we should join let us know! We love joining fun and active groups! If you have a group and are in need of some active staff to help with the group then just ask us! We love helping wherever we can!</details></details>■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■<details>
<summary>Claim a Disney Face</summary>
Here is how it works: What you do is message or post to The Big 4 profile and tell us which Disney/Pixar Character you want to use as a “face-claim”. We will then get a picture of that Disney character and place it in our “Other Friends” drop down and link your HiH account in our profile! Please also feel free to talk to us about books, TV Shows, movies et cetera, because we love striking up interesting conversations with new people. We might even post pictures of The Big 4 and your face-claimed Disney Character together on our wall and yours on occasion! :-)</details>■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■<details>
<summary>Role-Play Rules</summary>
- No god-modding - No cyberbullying - No NSFW content - 3-4 Sentence Responses - Use common sense Please feel free to DM us or post to our wall to start role-playing with us!</details>■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■<details>
~ This account is dedicated to telling others the adventures that Jackson, Sameen, Harvey, and Ramona have together ~ We also like meeting funny people! So please feel free to post funny things on our wall! If we all think you're really funny then you might just be added to our “Other Friends List”! ~ If come up with any other nicknames for us please let us know and we will add them to our nicknames lists ~ Regarding the photos on this profile: the photos on this profile all are taken from Pinterest and belong to their respective owners! Sami is a fictional character based on a real person (the person behind this and Sami Harper's profile) so she did not actually get those pictures. : )</details>■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ If you made it this far then you are a real one! ;-)

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