[ORIGINS: French/Haitian] [HAIR: Natural, Extremely Curly; Pink] [SKIN: Sepia, Freckled] [WAND: 9 3/4" Spruce - Slightly Springy; Phoenix Feather]
- Joined March 2020
- Member of Gryffindor
- 83 House Points
- 1st Year
United States

Quirks and Traits:
-- Always keeps her promises
-- Blunt to a fault
-- Is an Empath
-- Is dreadful at Potions
-- Loyal and Thoughtful, but sometimes Careless
Raven was born to a half-muggle voodoo priestess, and the heir to the Flamel family fortune. Her birth came as a scandal to the aristocratic family of pure-blooded alchemists, being that her mother, at the time, had been the maid of the household. Despite backlash from his family, Arthur Flamel had fallen deeply in love with Viviane Benoit, an immigrant woman from the Caribbean. Her hot temper, and lively nature had drawn him to her, and in their passionate affair, Raven was conceived. Though news of the illegitimate child soured the Flamel family, Arthur did all he could to outright silence or quell the displeased family of pure-bloods. Arthur Flamel eventually married Viviane Benoit making her an official member of the Flamel family before Raven was born. Making Raven the next heir in line to the family fortune and putting a large target on her back from birth. Her own family looked down on her and often slighted her and her origins, but after witnessing the girl's natural prowess with magic, many members of the family soon began to praise her. With her fiery nature from her mother, and tenacity and wit of her father, Raven was able to turn most of her family members to her side, often changing their views of 'impure witches'. She developed a somewhat headstrong and rebellious natural, often taking pleasure in proving people wrong, and sticking up for the little guys. She gained a reputation for often starting and finishing fights. Despite her somewhat reckless nature, she proved to be a bit of prodigal talent, although lacking her family's knack for alchemy, and instead excelling in charms, and voodoo rituals. It was no surprise when the owl post delivered her acceptance letter to Hogwarts, though her parents dreaded what mischief she'll get up to when out of their watchful sight.

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