♡❀ Lara Chi ❀♡

your friend :)

hello! I'm Lara, I hope we can be friends and I'm always here to talk if you want :) ♡ have a great day/night! ♡ ~ online ~

  • Joined July 2020
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 96 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Canada


Lara Willow Chi
Lia (Anyone), Sunblossom/Sunny (Anyone), Willow (Friends), Luna (Certain people only), Rosie (Certain people only)
~ post on my wall or owl me if you want to give me a special nickname <3 ~
~ Emotional support bunnie - Sage ^^
May 13, 2008
Texas, U.S.A.

Lead dancer, lead vocalist, and visual of LOYALTY (HiH Kpop group), Messenger of the Kingdom of Edena (roleplay, spots open ^w^), Princess of The Enchanted Forest (fourth Realm of the Hidden Realms)
(non-professional) dancer~singer~songwriter~choreographer~actress~

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Hufflepuff (but could probably be a Ravenclaw or maybe Gryffindor)

Willow wood (but the shopkeeper said something about elder and bamboo as well), unicorn hair core, 9”, springy
Cats; Luna and Merlin
Rabbit; Spring

Summer Chi (mother), Jacob Nordin (father), Elise Nordin (younger sister)

Hazel-brown, golden highlights
Emerald green, dark brown (heterochromic)
Fair/Light tan
Rose quartz necklace
Cold-shoulder tops, flowy dresses/skirts, shorts/tights, colorful or floral patterns, flowers in hair, minimal jewelry
Robe or uniform outfit, accompanied by jewelry and/or flowers in her hair

Unique, kind, caring, colorful, empathetic, adventurous, artistic, feminine, smart (gifted), sentimental, sarcastic, super extra, “Lara”, believing; easily stressed, maybe a bit too sarcastic sometimes, can be short-tempered or snarky
Animals, plants, nature, magic, family, friends, food, art, music, dancing, singing, writing, acting, belief , Kpop (ult: Rose and JiU), Warriors (OC: Sunblossom, medicine cat), Wings of Fire (OC: Sunblossom, RainWing, healer, Queen of the PrismWings)
Hate, stress, self-centeredness, sickness, death, darkness, loneliness, loss,, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia etc. of course **and I can't forget sports/gym! hate those**
Art, dancing, caring for nature, writing stories, singing

Lead dancer, lead vocalist, and visual of LOYALTY (HiH Kpop group), Messenger of the Kingdom of Edena (roleplay, spots open ^w^), Princess of The Enchanted Forest (fourth Realm of the Hidden Realms)

When I received my Hogwarts Letter, and by owl post too, I was confused (although i would never miss a chance to feed and pet an owl!). I had heard of Hogwarts, since I was always into magic and such, and my family is great friends with the Lovegoods, but my parents were both Muggles. I thought it must have been a mistake, but I didn't think Hogwarts would make a mistake, you know? But after thinking about it for a day or so, gradually things began to make more sense. I've believed in magic from the start and I had always been interested, so this was a really big thing for me.
My parents had always known I was interested in these things, so I guess they were surprised of course, but they were very supportive and willing to buy me everything I'd need, which made my excitement that I was a witch (yay!) grow even more.
I can't wait to join Hogwarts! I'm especially excited to do Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures (I have to wait until year 2 though :( ) and make some new friends! ^w^

Joined: July 28, 2020

How did I make my backstory like this? Go here~ https://www.hogwartsishere.com/library/book/14807/chapter/1/ Look through the chapters to see what you want to change, there's a lot of chapters but they're really cool! Warning: My backstory is now filled with links! Did I go a bit overboard? ...yes... but... it's pretty!

bunny cursor
but why isn't the cursor showing on my page?
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