Genna Wildwood


Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

  • Joined July 2021
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 63 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


Hi there! Growing up in Australia with a muggle family, my experience with the magical community was scant. For this reason, I am so excited to be able to study at Hogwarts!

I am a first-year Ravenclaw, and I am studying Charms, Herbology, Transfiguration. If you would like some advice on the subjects, then feel free to message me with any questions.

About Me:

Wand: Cherry, dragon heartstring, 12 inches, whippy

Patronus: Fox Terrier

Favourite Spell: Ducklifors

Quidditch Team: Thundelarra Thunderers

Favourite Subject: Charms

Amortentia: Milk chocolate, new books

Likes: Reading tarot cards, flying on a broomstick

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