✷*✦Atlanta J✦*✷


The ocean is everything I want to be, beautiful, mysterious, wild and free. •starting over isn’t easy…•

  • Joined August 2020
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


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✷Name: Atlanta
✷Nicknames: Lana (Angie/Achie/Ansie only) Loser (Ma'am/Hermione lollll) Laney (Hazel only) Lanty/Lanny/Lanta (Lily Bee only) Atla (Elle only) I need some more!
✷Appearance: Brown hair (usually braided), big green eyes, long eyelashes, tan-ish skin, short, fit.
✷Sexuality: Asexual
✷Status: Forever single!!!
✷Age: 14 year old trapped inside a 4 year old's mind who can turn 27 in an instant.
✷ Birthday: August 20th
✷Personality: Nice, loyal, sweet, caring, friendly, a bit wild.
✷Likes: Sleep, brownies, sleep, music, sleep, dancing, sleep, swimming, did I mention sleep?
✷Dislikes: broccoli, love, bullies, homophobes, transphobes, sexist, racist, {etc}, morning.
✷Hobbies: Sleeping, singing, sleeping, dancing, singing, swimming, sleeping.


✷Growing up with Tonks and Remus during the war was...challenging. When mom and dad both died *sniff sniff*, I went to live with Tonk's mom, and I spent a lot of time with Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. Lily Luna, Rose, and I are very good friends. I wish I could've gotten to know my parents more but I couldn't ):


And I think that's all!
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